Friday, September 24, 2010

Some updating

We've been handed a third Case, but I haven't completed it yet, so this post will just be a little progress update...

I've just finished moving all the code from the timeline into separate packages and classes, so now I can start on making parallax backgrounds for Case #3.

I was also contemplating whether or not to make the next case interactive, and I've decided that instead of just animating the character running in place through various scenery, you will be able to manually control him, thus setting your own pace, giving the viewer ample time to take in the epic backdrops (lol) and the experience as a whole. :D

Doing it that way would actually involve less work on my part, as well, seeing as I've already completed the code that handles the basic movement necessary to run and jump through various areas in the game. Great stuff.

.. Maybe I should start a trend of ending all my posts with a signature "sign-off" phrase?

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